Loose Cannons

Bear River Nova Scotia is unusual in many ways.  A cannon barrel embedded in the pavement on a street corner is one of them

a little worse for wear
….but still standing.

One school of thought of why it is there is that it keeps anyone from taking the corner too quickly.  But here it is in the 1880’s, when it was only horse and buggy.

130 years ago
cannon on the corner, 1920’s

We would love to know how that came about…. Did some one say: hey, Wilbur wants to get rid of that old cannon barrel he’s got lying around.  Let’s put it on the corner next to Clarke Brothers store. People can use it as an ash tray.

Was there a ceremony, or did it just appear there one day?

It’s not like you come across a cannon barrel too often.  Historically, Bear River was not a fortress town.  There were cannon in Digby and cannon in Annapolis Royal, but Bear River?  Was it a souvenir someone brought back on a sailing ship?

A lot of people live in town for a long time before they realize that there is a cannon on the corner.  Some people may not even know it is there at all.

It’s just another one of those important little things.

all content on this page copyright of Think For Yourself Publishing,  April 2012